At 28, I was given my first job managing over 250 employees. For the next few years, I oversaw 15 branches at Bank of America.

Friends and family frequently commented on how well I was doing, especially for my age. The job paid well, and I was able to afford things others my age couldn’t. I was proud to rent a 1,400 square foot apartment at the beach, all on my own. I bought a 350Z convertible. Life was good.

For my first few years in this role, I loved the work. I became fascinated with LEADERSHIP. I knew I wanted to lead differently, and I did. I was obsessed with figuring out how to engage and involve my employees in their work and create a culture that everyone wanted to thrive in. So, we did. My territories experienced success and got results. I loved what we’d built- together, as a team.

Years passed, and I moved into the credit union space. I spent my early 30’s in Regional Director roles. I continued to oversee retail branches but was also asked to entirely transform the company’s fledging call center, which was a highlight of my career.

At 36, I became a Chief Operating Officer and was given the opportunity to lead completely new verticals, such as Wealth Management, Card Services, Operations Support, and Facilities.

From an outside perspective, my career was going great. I had earned a seat at the executive table, making decisions that shaped the entire organization. It was like a dream come true. For most people.

But from an inside perspective, something didn’t feel quite right. I still liked the work, but I no longer loved it. Not like I had 8 years earlier when I landed my first role as a senior leader. I no longer felt completely fulfilled.

I begin wondering if I was destined to do something ELSE.

Over the years, I’d heard a lot of similar feedback:

“You’re the best leader we’ve ever had! You’ve changed our entire view on leadership (and my entire life!)”, employees would periodically tell me. “You should write a book!”

“Developing top talent is not what you DO”, my COO said, when I was a Regional Director. “It’s who you ARE.”

“I’ve never seen anyone invest in people and coach as well as you do”, my CEO said, when I was COO. “I think you’re a strong candidate and well-positioned to be a CEO yourself.”

“You have SUCH a great job”, FAMILY would tell me at Thanksgiving.

“You did very well this year”, BOSSES would say at performance review time.

“You travel so much and seem to have everything you want”, FRIENDS would say, at frequent gatherings.

It all should’ve sounded great. There was only one problem. It didn’t.

That’s when I realized the truth. I wasn’t living my dream. My dream wasn’t to become the CEO of a financial institution. It was to make an impact on society. It was to change as many lives as I possibly could. I wanted to help people change their lives by changing their MINDSET.

Although it was scary, I did what I knew I had to (and what my parents wouldn’t have ever dreamed of doing): I followed my heart, and I quit.

Against all the advice of my family and friends (who couldn’t believe I’d leave such a well-paying job and a boss I loved), I resigned from my role as COO and struck out on my own.

My goals were clear:

I’d consult with businesses and individuals on exceptional leadership.

I’d coach clients on mindset, happiness, and success.

I would write bestselling books (on all of it) and turn those books into classes.

Figuring out what we REALLY want and taking the steps to pursue it is SCARY and HARD. But your life is too precious and too valuable NOT TO.

And it’s a lot easier with the right partner to help you. That’s where I come in.

Over the last three years, I’ve helped a variety of clients (in a variety of situations) dramatically improve their businesses or their lives.

I know what they struggle with, and I know how to overcome it. No matter who you are or what your situation is, I can help you, too.

Maybe you’re an executive or senior leader, and you want to transform your team or organization. But you don’t quite know HOW.

Maybe you’re focused on your own career and have grown tired of a toxic workplace. You want to score a promotion (or apply externally) and land a job you’ll love (making 20% more). But, you don’t know whether to PLAY IT SAFE or TAKE A RISK.

Maybe you work for a big company and have always wanted to start your own shop. But you’re AFRAID.

Maybe you work in IT but spend your days dreaming about writing books and becoming a financial coach instead. But you’re SABATOGING yourself with NEGATIVE SELF-TALK.

Maybe you’re unhappy in your marriage, but you’re also angry and tired. You don’t know whether to STAY or GO.

Maybe you want to lose 50 pounds. But feel completely overwhelmed, and don’t know how to START.

These examples aren’t fictitious or made up. They’re real. Each of these scenarios is the story a client.

No matter your situation, I’ll work with you to:

1) Visualize your ideal life.
2) Hatch a specific plan for how you’ll achieve it.
3) Cultivate the courage to follow through and carry it out.

Since becoming a consultant and coach, I’ve noticed something:

Many of us aren’t living our BEST LIFE. We’re not fully utilizing our best gifts. And many of us subconsciously KNOW IT, too.

For many, our biggest dreams actually make us UNCOMFORTABLE. They require us to do something new or make a big change. And that SCARES us. We don’t like being scared or uncomfortable, so we shove our wildest dreams to the back of our minds and IGNORE them, until they surface again. That’s because our brains are programmed to avoid the uncomfortable.

But, there’s a problem with this. Our big dreams don’t just GO AWAY. We’ll see something or meet someone that makes us wonder:

What if I could have that?
What if I could do that?
What if that could be me?

I know those feelings all too well. For years, I fantasized about the day I’d become a bestselling author or leadership coach. Or, the day I’d become a marathon runner or black-diamond skier. For years though, I was too scared to do anything about it.

So, I stayed STUCK.

There’s a lot of reasons we stay stuck. Do any of these apply to you?

You were raised as a perfectionist and are afraid to fail. You ask yourself, “What if it doesn’t work out? What will I do then?”

You were raised as a people-pleaser and afraid of what others think. You ask yourself, “what will my husband/mother/boss think if I do this?”

You haven’t created a clear vision of what you want out of life. You ask yourself: “Where would I start? What would my first step be?”

You continually say you’ll do it later. You ask yourself: “What’s the rush? I don’t have to do it this year. I’ll do it later, when I…(fill in the blank).”

Because you don’t have the answers, you do what most of us do: NOTHING. You stay at the lackluster job, you don’t register for the conference, you skip the event, you don’t read the book. You don’t do the hard, uncomfortable things that would lead to the life you REALLY want.

Instead, you play it safe and keep doing it the way you’ve ALWAYS done it because you’re too afraid to do something new.

Well, I’ve got bad news for you. Data says that most of us REGRET those choices later in life. When we’re too old and it’s too late, THAT’S when we all say, “I wish I would’ve…”.

Do you want that to be you? I doubt it. Here’s what I want you to know:

Everything in life is a CHOICE. These things are all choices you’re making.

With the right support and guidance, you can do ANYTHING you want.

You can switch the story and reframe the narrative at ANY point.

You can start over or course change ANYTIME.

Just because your life hasn’t looked a certain way up until this POINT, doesn’t mean you can’t change it NOW.

If you want to explore the possibility of making some sort of life change (or heck, even just a life improvement), reach out. Your first session with me is free, and we’ll decide there if I’m the right coach or consultant for you. You can schedule time on my calendar below.

I’m so excited to meet you and discuss where you might want to go.

In the meantime, if you’d like to know more, grab one of my books!