It’s your JOB. Your literal, actual, JOB to:

guard, protect and manage YOUR OWN ENERGY.

No one else can do it for you. YOU have to do it.
And it’s SO important that you do (IF you want to be happy or successful).

You also can’t be responsible for someone ELSE’S mood or energy.

They must manage their own. They can’t do it for you, and you can’t do it for them. That’s dependency, and it simply doesn’t work in the long term.

If something is bothering you, it’s up to YOU to deal with it. It’s up to YOU to either let it go and move on, or figure out HOW you want to address it. But, spending your days worrying and wondering what other people are thinking about you or if they’re “okay” with you is a fruitless waste of time.

That’s because you’re taking on THEIR stuff. What they’re thinking or feeling (and not telling you) is THEIR stuff.

If you want to know more about it, you can ask.
Or you can trust that they’ll TELL you, if you should know.
So, decide to ask or let it go.

Because if you don’t, it’ll start affecting YOUR energy and mood.
You don’t have time for that if you’re wanting to be happy or great.

Every minute you’re thinking about someone else’s energy/mood is a minute you’re not thinking about your own energy or mood.

This is NOT to say that you can’t empathetically care about the people who matter most to you. This isn’t to say that you won’t choose to be there for people and sit in pain with the people you love most when you’re struggling. Of course you’ll do that. And you can still “be okay” as you do that.

This is about absorbing the worries, fears, and problems of others with an expectation that you can or should fix or change it for them.

With this, make a great Friday!