“If you do what is easy, your life will be hard. If you do what is hard, your life will be easy.”

How much time do you make to READ?

Studies show a HUGE correlation between READING and SUCCESS. Some of the world’s wealthiest CEO’s and entrepreneurs read as much as a book/day. That’s right, they read a book every single DAY!

Business Insider reports that Elon Musk read 10 hours/day before becoming CEO. Warren Buffet is rumored to (still) read a book every single week. That’s 52 books/year!

Studies have also shown that many of agree that reading more would help them become wealthier, happier, or more successful.

And yet, the same studies show that (even with that knowledge) MOST of us don’t plan to start reading.


Most of us report that we don’t “HAVE THE TIME”.

I think that’s crap. Time isn’t found, it’s MADE.

Time-management is really just self-management. In short, we don’t need to better manage our time. We need to better manage OURSELVES.

Having time to read is about MAKING time to read. I believe that nearly all of us could make 15 minutes/day to read, if we REALLY wanted. Most of us could make that time right when we get up or right before bed.

So, why don’t we do it? I think it’s because we’re somewhat lazy and don’t want to inconvenience ourselves. We don’t want to interrupt our TV time or disrupt our scrolling on Instagram or Tik-Tok. We don’t want to schedule or plan time to read when we could be at happy hour with friends or watching the game.

What if you knew that reading could change your life? Would you read then?

Reading is how we learn new things. It helps us cultivate self-awareness. It helps us understand each other better. It helps us show up to our jobs better. It helps us develop new skills. It ensures we’re still in a place of growth and development, even if our formal education has ended.

I don’t read a book a day but I DO read a book of month. Each year, I read 12 books and the knowledge I’ve acquired from reading nearly 100 books over the last 8 years has really added up.

In this video, I share the last 6 books I’ve read this year, and a little about each one. But I also share how (and why) I MAKE TIME to read and what that’s done for me.

My call to action? If you haven’t read a book in years, make a commitment to just read ONE before the end of this year.