How much do you know about the quadrants of time?

Before I knew more, I mistakenly thought I should spend the majority of my time in quadrant #1: the urgent AND important.

I’ve since realized that spending too much time in quadrant #1 is a HUGE mistake.

It’s a stressful, reactive place to be. It’s the land of last-minute fire drills, unexpected deadlines, and “got a minute?” meetings. It keeps us in constant whirlwind of things that matter to OTHER people, but as much to US.

When we live here, we live a life of mediocrity. And often, when we get pulled into quadrant #1 during the day, we’re compelled to recover and recharge our batteries by going into quadrant #4 in our personal time (NOT urgent and NOT important). This is where we waste time by watching too much television, playing too many video games, or abusing substances. Sure, these things might be fun or make us feel good in the moment. But, they don’t allow us to self-actualize, especially over the long run.

If you want to be more successful and happy, spend more time in Quadrant #2: “The NOT URGENT but IMPORATNT”. Spending time here is what allows us to become truly GREAT.

Here’s why:

⌛It allows us to be most PROACTIVE.
⌛It’s where we get to use our IMAGINATION.
⌛It’s what allows us to PRIORITIZE what MATTERS MOST to US (not others).
⌛It’s where we plan for the FUTURE, and determine who we’ll BECOME.
⌛It sets us up for most success TOMORROW.
⌛It gives us the highest ROI (return on investment).

Examples of Quadrant #2 Activities:

⏲Coaching and developing your time (when nothing is wrong)
⏲Routinely going to the dentist for checkups/cleanings (before the cavities)
⏲Investing in your health and fitness
⏲Reading a book for the sake of your own growth and learning
⏲Spending 1-2 hours to strategize and plan your time each week
⏲Devoting time to your most important hobbies and passions

For me, writing my two books over the last two years was a quadrant 2 activity. No one knew whether or not I did it, but I did. It was of utmost importance to me to finish these books and get them out in the world.

An important note about quadrant 2. Unlike the other quadrants, it rarely calls to US. We have to go to IT. This requires discipline and desire.

Choose to spend more time in quadrant 2, and your life will be better. hashtagtime hashtagtimemanagement hashtagleadership