Avoiding a tough conversation with someone you love?

Afraid of how they’ll react? Nervous about sharing bad news? Fearful you’ll hurt their feelings?

Well, I’ve got bad news for you. When you really, truly LOVE someone (or, care about them), you’ll be honest with them. You’ll be authentic, straightforward, and direct in your communication with them.

Why? Well, because things can’t get better (for you or them) if you’re NOT. And you care about them, you won’t leave them (or you) stuck.

I know it’s hard, awkward, nerve-wracking, and uncomfortable.
I know you might be nervous and afraid.

But, if you really care about your employee, your mother, your boss, best friend, or your spouse- you’ll tell them the hard, cold truth.

That’s because you’ll know there’s enough trust and relationship there to overcome a tough moment.

That’s because you care for them enough to make yourself (and your ego) UNCOMFORTABLE for the sake of doing the right thing.

When we avoid the truth, everyone loses. We don’t grow as people in our ability to resolve conflict, have difficult conversations, and share our truth. They don’t grow as people because they don’t get the valuable feedback they truly need. When you sugarcoat the truth (or don’t say it at all) you hold EVERYONE back.

That’s not love.

It’s hard to hear, I know. But I also know it’s true.