Life is NOT fair.

This was a very difficult thing for me to understand in my early 30’s. I was hoping it was. I was thinking it SHOULD be.

But, in so many ways, it’s not.


If you want something out of life, you MUST be willing to PAY THE PRICE.

And, not the price for anybody else. The price for YOU.

Your price might be different than the price others must pay.

As a non-professional example, I used to feel frustrated that “men” or
“younger people” seemed able lose weight more easily than I could. Not only did I not know EVERYTHING they were doing (or not doing), I was asking the wrong question; focusing on the wrong part of the equation.

Who cares what the price looks like for THEM? What did that have to do with ME?

What I wish I knew then:

⛔ It didn’t matter if their price was different than mine.
⛔ It didn’t matter if they had it easier.

⛔ I had allowed my feelings over how “unfair” that was stand in my way.
⛔ It served as an excuse for why I wasn’t getting the results I wanted.

When, in reality, whatever they were doing had NOTHING to do with what i was doing.

Making big changes in your life is going to be HARD. You’ll have to sacrifice. You’ll have to set boundaries and say no. The discipline and grit (not to mention, time and money) required to get what you REALLY want in life does NOT outweigh the pain of regret. Wishing you had.

If you want to be successful or happy in life, figure out the PRICE that needs to be paid, and go pay it.