First time making a video this way (added some music and text!). Would love to know what you think!

This video is all about listening…to OURSELVES.

Are you listening to your own voice? Or, are you allowing OTHER people’s voices to drown yours out?

When we’re making big decisions, it’s common for us to want our trusted mentors, closest friends, and family members to weigh in. But sometimes, those voices contradict our own. And sometimes, those voices DROWN OUT our own. Sometimes, we silence ourselves (our thoughts and our feelings), because others disagree or don’t approve.

Sometimes, as we go through a process of evolution and growth, our values and goals change. When that happens, it’s not uncommon for a former trusted advisor, like a parent or a best friend, to no longer align with us. Their advice, which once seemed perfectly appropriate for us, might no longer be as useful.

It can be VERY hard to find our own voice, amidst all the outside noise and chatter, especially when dealing with a voice that we were accustomed to listening to- but isn’t giving us the right advice (anymore).

But, if we want to be HAPPY and SUCCESSFUL, it’s SO important we do that, especially when making BIG decisions. Like: WHO we want to be. WHERE we want to live. WHAT we want to do with our careers next.

We only get one chance at this glorious life, and we should all choose to live a life we’re PROUD of. We’re the main character in our stories.

In this book, How Are You (Really?), Jenna Kutcher talks about finding your “native tongue”. She says that her best friend can always tell when she’s listening to a voice other than her own, because her own voice would never use the word “should”. That’s simply not how her friend talks to herself.

I LOVED that! We should all find these kinds of litmus tests and clues/hints to determine if the voice we’re listening to (in our head) is OUR voice, or if it’s someone ELSE’s voice.

You’re smart, you’re capable, you’re talented. Trust yourself and believe in the power of your dreams. You’ve totally got this; whatever “THIS” is.

hashtagselftalk hashtagfindyourvoice hashtaglistentoyourself hashtagselflove hashtagselfactualization