Not sure who needs to hear this, but….

May is Mental Health Awareness month. To honor it, I’m committed to publishing some videos with a real mental/emotional health bent. This video (on narcissism) last week doubled my YouTube followers and got 2400 views.

That’s more than any other video I’ve ever posted on that channel!

Looks like there’s a lot of interest in this topic, so decided to share it here, too. Not sure who might know someone exhibiting signs of narcissism, but if you are, I don’t doubt your relationship with that person is challenging.

I’m a big believer that better managing our:

💙 relationships- with others but also ourselves,
💙 energy and emotions
💙 ability to respond to tough situations,
💙 awareness of mood and personality disorders….

ONLY helps us show up and present as the very best versions of ourselves. These things help us to be happier and more connected. THAT only leads to us being able to execute more effectively in every area of our lives, including professionally.

When we are better at managing our relationships, energy, responses, and awareness of self and others, we’re able to set better goals and move towards them with gusto.

I admit in this video that I have a close family member who suffers from narcissism. Over the last two years, I discovered and recognized its signs. I’ve worked hard on managing my emotions around that, and focused my energy on how I can best respond (for my own mental health). That work has been INCREDIBLY beneficial for me (and I plan to write a book on it).

If this video helps even one person today, I’ll be happy.

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