YOUR happiness and success all comes down to the QUESTIONS you ask yourself.

What questions do YOU ask YOURSELF?

When I was younger, I used to ask myself questions I’d NEVER ask myself today. A few examples:

❓Do I look okay?
❓Are others judging me? What do they think of me and my decisions?
❓Are people talking about me? What are they saying?
❓If I’m late, what can I say to make it seem unavoidable?
❓What’s the easiest/fastest way to get things done?

Life changes when we change the questions we ask ourselves.

In this video, I share at least 20 questions I ask myself today.

A few examples:

❓ Did I do my best today?
❓What am I proud of myself for today?
❓Who did I help or serve today?
❓How can I challenge myself today?
❓Am I avoiding something out of a fear or anxiety?
❓Was I aligned with my vision/values today?
❓How can I differentiate myself today?
❓How can I make a meaningful impact today?
❓How am I taking really good care of the people around me?
❓What’s standing in my way? How can I remove those obstacles?

There’s so many more (watch the video for more).

Would love to hear examples of questions YOU ask yourself!