Things in life are NOT good or bad. They’re not right or wrong. They’re NEUTRAL.

Almost NOTHING in life has meaning, until WE get involved and INTERPRET them.

That’s an incredible power…but most of us don’t use it to our advantage.
In fact, most of us tend to us is to our DISADVANTAGE.

We choose to get offended and angered when we don’t need to. We make poor assumptions and draw foregone conclusions before getting all the information.

How do YOU look at information?
Do you see opportunities in struggle?
Do you see success in failure?

Between STIMULUS and RESPONSE, there’s a space. In that space, you get to CHOOSE your response. And in that response, lies all your power and freedom.

Most of us don’t even act like we HAVE a choice. We get pissed off and annoyed when we could choose gratitude and compassion.

What if nearly all your struggles in life could be solved by a simple shift in your OWN perception? By simply choosing to look at information differently?

Well, I have great news for you. You have the power to do that, EVERY DAY. You could start right now. It’s up to you.

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