Happy Motivation Monday, Folks! Today’s message:

Who you surround yourself with MATTERS.

Jack Canfield (Chicken Noddle Soup for the Soul guy) has said: “we’re the average of FIVE”. In other words, we are essentially a replica of the TOP FIVE people we spend time with.

That’s because their beliefs, values, and mindset often become OUR beliefs, values, and mindset.

Who’s in YOUR top five? Are they the RIGHT five?

Not only does this apply with our friends and colleagues- it applies with our CLIENTS and CUSTOMERS, too.

After being in business for myself for two years now, I’ve realized something:

We should also work to attract clients that share our VALUES.

All too often, I see people (and companies) trying to attract clients who are NOT aligned in so many ways. That rarely works. Whenever we try to chase down people who don’t share interests or goals with us, we end up feeling incredibly unhappy. It also takes a LOT of work; it doesn’t feel like a FIT. When there’s no alignment, there’s often a lot of resistance in signing the client but ALSO keeping them happy. It’s not easy or seamless.

But, it should be. And it CAN be.

Confidently remember:
You are NOT for everyone.
Everyone is NOT for YOU, either.
And that’s okay.

Are you trying to shove square pegs into round holes? Associate with people who don’t align with you? Attract clients who don’t share your values or goals?

If conversations and interactions often feel difficult, then you’re probably associating with the WRONG people. It’s such a great feeling to associate only with people who totally “get it” (and get YOU).

KNOW YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE (for all that you do). It makes a HUGE difference in your ability to be successful.

Once you recognize that the best friends or clients for YOU (or your company) are ones where there’s some overlap and similarities, you’ll see that your relationships get easier and more fulfilling. It won’t feel like such an uphill battle anymore, and you’ll have SO much more energy.

If you’d like to read more on this topic, you can do so in my second book (6 H.A.B.I.T.S. of Powerful People!). This topic is a huge part of Habit 5 (the “T” in Habits- Trust and Treasure Yourself). Books on my website or Amazon.