The biggest piece of advice I’ve given to clients over the last few weeks is to make sure they do at LEAST ONE THING, every single day, for themselves.

All too many of us are bogged down in the thick of thin things. Things like:

🚗 Driving our kids to all their clubs and commitments
⛪ Serving our communities (board roles, church, clubs)
📈 Saying “Yes” to another exciting project opportunity at work
🏀 Getting ourselves to our own clubs and commitments

When was the last time you just:
🛀 Took a bubble bath
🍺 Went to happy hour with the guys
💅 Got your nails done
📚 Read a book

All too often, we say “YES” to everyone and everything else at the expense of saying “YES” to OURSELVES. When we say “Yes” to ONE THING, we automatically say “No” to something else. How often are you saying “NO” to YOURSELF?

If this happens to you, it’s imperative you figure out WHY. I’ve observed that many of us are afraid to say no because we’re AFRAID to. We’re afraid of what others will think. We’re afraid of being judged. We’re afraid we won’t be as liked or respected. We’re afraid that we’ll look overwhelmed and that will impact how often we get asked or invited in the future.

Strong, courageous, brave people say NO often. They are secure enough in their own skin to risk what others think. They have vision- they know what’s most important to them; they’ve identified their top priorities and they carefully work to ensure that only what matters MOST gets done. They are able to set boundaries and because they do, they rarely feel stressed out or resentful over how little time they have left for themselves.

How often do you say NO to others so you can say YES to yourself? If you’re not doing that at LEAST once a week, you’re likely to burn out and not feel as happy as you could or should.

If you’ve been showing up for everyone else, it’s definitely time you show up for YOURSELF, too.

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