oved this quote from Kamala Harris.Β 

She said: “You don’t need to wait for PERMISSION to lead. JUST LEAD.”

How powerful is THAT?

So often, we wait.

πŸ€” We wait to be told what to do or asked.
πŸ€” We wait for instructions or directions.
πŸ€” We wait for a formal invite green light, or some sign it’s okay to step up.
πŸ€” We wait for approval or feedback before we keep going.
πŸ€” We wait for others to let us know they’re okay with us leading.
πŸ€” We wait for when the time is right for us, personally. When it’s calm.

Don’t do this. If you see something that can or should be improved, JUST LEAD.

You can always:

βœ‹ Get involved and ask along the way if it’s okay you’re jumping in.
βœ‹ Let people know, as you go, what you’re trying to accomplish.
βœ‹ Share your innovative ideas for how to solve a problem.
βœ‹ Gather and bring people together to discuss strategy and solutions.
βœ‹ Help out when you see opportunities to do so.
βœ‹ Identify a need for help or support and fill it.
βœ‹Invite yourself.

Here’s what it might SOUND like:

πŸ“’ “Would you mind if I sit in on that meeting? I’d really like to learn more about what this group is doing and see if I can help!”
πŸ“’ “I had some ideas about this last week and took the liberty of jotting them down or putting them into a short presentation. May I share them with you?
πŸ“’ “I’d really like to be helpful on this project. Would you mind if I started doing XYZ to support you in these efforts?”

I’d love to hear stories about how YOU or OTHERS you know got involved, and just LED without waiting to be invited or asked.