Isn’t it a great feeling when our DREAMS come true?
Isn’t it a great feeling when we accomplish our LIFE-GOALS?

So happy to report that I’ve finished writing and editing my SECOND book.

This book is NOT about leadership. Rather, it’s about PERSONAL power, success, and happiness.

This process has reminded me that we can all do ANYTHING WE WANT. 

For years, I dreamed of being an author (of not just one, but multiple books!). That reality is coming to life. It feels SO GOOD to be following my heart, living my truth, and putting my ideas out there in the world. It’s been an act of courage, that’s for sure.

It’s terrifying and exhilarating- all at the same time! But, I wouldn’t trade this opportunity for anything.

If I can offer up one piece of advice, it’s to figure out what YOUR DREAMS are and GO AFTER THEM!

Whether it’s starting a business, losing the weight, buying the house, running a marathon, I want everyone to know:

Your wildest dreams ARE ATTAINABLE. You just have to decide to start. So take that plunge, accept that risk, and GET GOING! You’ll be so happy you did, I guarantee it.

I talk a lot about this in the second book itself. But writing the book also helped reinforce this lesson. Learn more the book (and it’s contents) in this following video!