Are you struggling to EXIT someone out of your life?

Maybe you’re:

🤔struggling to let someone go at work
🤔 struggling to end a working relationship with a vendor or client
🤔 wanting to stop doing business with a company
🤔 struggling to end a relationship with someone in your personal life

It’s hard to tell someone you don’t want to see them anymore. Sometimes it’s hard to make the decision to exit someone from your life, and other times, it’s hard to have the conversation letting them KNOW. Often, it’s BOTH.

Because we don’t like being uncomfortable, it’s all too often we TALK OURSELVES OUT of making the decision. We often prolong the decision (or the conversation) for FAR TOO LONG.

When we prolong these decisions (or conversations) for far too long, here’s what is ACTUALLY happening. You’re:

😨 NOT trusting yourself
😨 NOT listening to yourself
😨 NOT respecting yourself
😨 Turning your back on yourself
😨 Wasting valuable time and energy
😨 Sacrificing your own happiness

It’s easy to worry about how someone will react to bad or tough news. But you know what? Worrying about how someone might react to your genuine feelings is NOT YOUR JOB. It’s THEIR job.

Never hold off on making necessary decisions (that you KNOW are RIGHT) because you’re worried about how the conversation or go is never a good idea. Doing so will ALWAYS impact your own happiness. Telling someone you don’t want to interact with them in the same way anymore IS tough, but it’s FAR tougher to compromise your own happiness but NOT making a choice you know you WANT or NEED to make.

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